Gigglle Blog

Introducing Enhanced Parental Controls on Gigglle to Ensure Safer Social Media Experience for Kids

In a world where children are increasingly engaging with technology from a young age, ensuring...

Social Media Challenges and the Indian Child

The world of social media is captivating, offering a stage for creativity, connection, and entertainment...

Impact of FOMO on Kids due to Social Media – Symptoms & Detection

Take a good look at the sketch below. It closely depicts a real-life situation of...

Results of Gigglle Kids Got Talent competition 2023

Announcement for Gigglle Kids Got Talent competition results Exciting News from Gigglle Kids Got Talent!...


Tips for Parents on Social Media use Tips and Tricks to Stay Safe on Social Media Platforms for Kids The impact of social media for kids on their mental health TEACHING KIDS TO BE SMART ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media & Your Child’s Mental Health Positive effects of social media for kids Online Safety Tips for Parents: Protecting Kids on Social Media Navigating Social Media Safely: A Guide for Kids and Teens